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Breed History

The Oxford Down breed originated in the 1830s after crossing Cotswold rams with Hampshire Down and Southdown ewes. Over the next 50 years the breed stabilised and, as many of the early flocks were centered around the town of Witney in Oxfordshire, the name Oxford Down was adopted.




                                                             Oxford Down ewes with lambs at foot c.1959
                                                                      (Photo courtesy of John L Jones)



The breed achieved widespread success, producing outstanding sheep for mutton and wool, and purebred flocks were established throughout Britain and Ireland. Large numbers were exported to the USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Russia and Argentina. The Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association was established in 1889 and in the same year the first Flock Book was published to record the pedigrees of the breed.

The reputation of the Oxford Down grew, and for the first half of the twentieth century it was one of the most popular crossing sires for lamb and mutton production. Upwards of 1000 rams were penned annually at the Kelso Ram Sales in

the Scottish Borders while in England the traditional sale was the Oxford Ram Fair.













                                      H C Stilgoe's Adderbury ram lamb, champion at the 1943 Oxford Ram Fair
                                                                   (Photo courtesy of Oxford Down SBA)

The breed slipped from favour in the period between 1955 and 1970, a victim of fashion and the trend towards smaller breeds. A small group of dedicated breeders mainly in the Midlands, Yorkshire, Northumberland, the Borders, Aberdeenshire and Eire maintained their flocks of Oxford ewes throughout the 1970s and saw the breed enjoy a revival in the 1980s as a crossing sire. This popularity was based on the breed's ability to sire both early maturing lambs and large, lean, heavy lambs.




                                             Denhead Star bred by A B Towler - stock sire at Clyde Higgs Farm Ltd c. 1989
                                                                         (Photo courtesy of Oxford Down SBA)



Today the breed continues to fulfil a specialist role as a terminal sire breed and approximately 110 registered flocks are listed in the Flock Book with a total of 1600 pedigree breeding ewes put to the ram annually plus 500 ewe lambs retained as replacements. Oxford Down populations can also be found in the USA, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia and New Zealand. Oxford-type populations exist in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, and Russia.

All rights reserved. No material from this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording, or kept in any information storage or retrieval system without the permission in writing of the copyright owners. All text is © Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association.  All other photos are © of the photographers acknowledged below each photo.

© 2024  Oxford Down Sheep Breeders Association . Registered Company Number 29009 Registered Charity Number 1029168



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