Show results
Great Yorkshire Show - 2021
Judge: Mr Rex Vincent
EWE, lamb born in current year.
FIRST: Mrs L Parry
Second: Mr J J Richardson
Third: Mr J J Richardson
Fourth: Mrs N J Duggleby
Fifth: Mr D S Coupland
EWE, Shearling or over.
FIRST: Miss H V Graham
Second: Miss H V Graham
Third: Mrs L Parry
Fourth: Mr J J Richardson
Fifth: Mr D S Coupland
Sixth: Mrs H A Plante
RAM, lamb born in current year.
FIRST: Miss H V Graham
Second: Mrs L Parry
Third: Mr M J Blackwell
Fourth: Mr D S Coupland
Fifth: Mrs N J Duggleby
RAM, shearling or over.
FIRST: Mr D S Coupland
Second: Mr J J Richardson
Third: Mr J J Richardson
Fourth: Mrs N J Duggleby
Fifth: Miss H V Graham
Sixth: Mr M J Blackwell
Overall breed champion
Champion - Ram lamb, Miss H V Graham
Reserve - Ewe lamb, Mrs L Parry
Female champion
Champion - Ewe lamb, Mrs L Parry
Reserve - shearling ewe or over
Miss H V Graham
Male champion
Champion - Ram lamb, Miss H V Graham
Reserve - shearling ram or over,
Mr D S Coupland
Driffield Show - 2021
Judge: Mr M Walker
Ram Shearling or Upwards
1st Mr Jack Richardson
2nd RJ & J Richardson
3rd Mr Jack Richardson
Ram Lamb, born after 01.12.2020
1st RJ & J Richardson
2nd Mrs Beverley Etherington
3rd Mrs Beverley Etherington
4th Mr Jack Richardson
Shearling Ewe or Ewe that has suckled lamb in 2021
1st Mrs Beverley Etherington
2nd Mr Jack Richardson
3rd RJ & J Richardson
4th RJ & J Richardson
Ewe lamb, born after 01.12.2020
1st Mrs Beverley Etherington
2nd Mr Jack Richardson
3rd Mrs R J Steele
4th Mrs R J Steele
Ram Shearling or Upwards
Mr Jack Richardson
Ewe lamb, born after 01.12.2020
Mrs Beverley Etherington
Moreton in Marsh show - 2021
Judge: Mr O T Jones
RAM, Shearling and upwards.
1st Mr Jack Richardson
2nd Miss Caitlin Langford
RAM LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020
1st Miss H V Graham
2nd Mrs Lindsay Rumming
3rd Mrs Lindsay Rumming
4th Miss Caitlin Langford
EWE, two years old or over. To have reared a lamb in year of show
1st Mr Andrew Amor
EWE, Shearling.
1st Mr Jack Richardson
2nd Mr Jack Richardson
3rd Mr Andrew Amor
4th Mr Andrew Amor
5th Miss L Allen
EWE LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020
1st Miss H V Graham
2nd Miss H V Graham
3rd Mr Jack Richardson
4th Mrs Lindsay Rumming
5th Mr Jack Richardson
6th Mrs Lindsay Rumming
Champion: Ram - Mr Jack Richardson
Reserve Champion: Shearling ewe - Mr Jack Richardson
Pairs champion - Ewe & ram lamb -
Miss H V Graham
Masham Sheep Fair - 2021
Judge: Dr T B Cole, Carryduff
Ram lamb
1. R J & J Richardson
2. M J Blackwell
3. D S Coupland
Ram, shearling & upwards
1. R J & J Richardson
2. J J Richardson
3. M J Blackwell
Gimmer lamb
1. J J Richardson
2. R J & J Richardson
3. D S Coupland
4. J J Richardson
Gimmer shearling
1. R J & J Richardson
2. J J Richardson
3. D S Coupland
Ewe that has reared lambs in 2020
1. J J Richardson
2. R J & J Richardson
3. D S Coupland
Champion - Gimmer shearling
Reserve champion - Ram, shearling & upwards